Church Buildings

The foundation stone of the current building was laid in 1878 with the first service taking place on 17th January 1879 as St.John’s Free Presbyterian Church. After the union of the Free Church of Scotland and the Church of Scotland, the unifed Eyemouth Parish Church used the building. In 1979 it was listed Category C(S), Historic Scotland Building ID 31166. The church has seating for 200 on ground floor and 90 in the balcony. There is access and facilities for people with disabilities, including a loop hearing system in the church and hall.


Behind the church there is a hall with a kitchen and serving hatch, two small meeting rooms: the vestry and the session room. The Hall has a separate accessible entrance alongside the church and has separate toilets. The hall as well as being used for congregational activities is available for community use, birthday parties and private hires.

Booking Details

RE:NEW Project

The RE:NEW project was setup by Eyemouth Parish Church to regenerate the current church building into a welcoming environment and flexible space allowing its use for a wider range of congregational and community activities and to further facilitate more wide ranging community engagement. In November 2023 the main part of the work was completed and the new building is in use. Below you can see photos alongside the architect's drawings to give you a sense of what has been achieved.


Transforming the existing interior to improve flexibility for both church and community use

A space for all

Improving accessibility into, as well as through the building into the existing hall

Better facilities

Upgrading facilities within the building, including additional all-access toilets and additional kitchen facilities

Warmth that doesn't cost the planet

Redesigning and replacing heating system to reduce costs and environmental impact

Better storage

Additional storage for tables and chairs to allow the new space to be cleared when needed

Safer for all

Minimising Health and Safety risks by user friendly design